Siemens plm software parasolid viewer download

Parasolid Homepage Siemens PLM Software Homepage. For full details and documentation for the online support services available to Parasolid customers, please contact Parasolid Support: E-mail: Parasolid Product Support Siemens Industry Software. Parasolid v32.1 delivers initial support for lattice structures and continued expansion of Convergent Modeling™ functionality on mixed models. In addition, there are enhancements across a broad front of established functionality: Native Lattice Support in Parasolid.

Siemens Plm Software Training

APPL=Autodesk Inventor; SCH=SCH_3100154_31001; T51 : TRANSMIT FILE created by modeller version 310015417 SCH_3100154_310010 -->>BODY (12) 1 - Index # 1 = First node of the file 4 - Shell 5 - Boundary_surface 6 - Boundary_curve 7 - Boundary_point 8 - Region 9 - Edge 10 - Vertex -->>SHELL (13) 4 - Index 15 - Face 16 - Region -->>REGION (19) 16 - Index 4 - Shell -->>FACE (14) 15 - Index 25 - Loop 4 - Shell 5 - Surface 22 - Front Shell -->>LOOP (15) 25 - Index 23 - HalfEdge 15 - Face -->>HALFEDGE (17) 23 - Index 25 - Loop 10 - Vertex 26 - Other 9 - Edge -->>VERTEX (18) 10 - Index 23 - HalfEdge 24 - Next 7 - Point -->>XYZ POINT (29) 7 - Index 10 - Next 21 - Previous 0 .0508 9e-32 16e-33 -->>VERTEX (18) 26 - HalfEdge 10 - Previous 21 - Point -->>EDGE (16) 9 - Index 23 - HalfEdge 6 - Curve -->>B_CURVE (134 - BSpline Curve) 6 - Index 19 - NURBS_CURVE (136) 20 - CURVE_DATA (135) -->>NURBS_CURVE (136) 19 - Index 3 - Degree 41 - bspline_vertices 42 - knot_mult 43 - knots -->BSPLINE_VERTICES (45) 21 - Length 41 - Index -.0508 0 0 ... .0508 666133814775094e-32 0 -->>KNOT_MULT (127) 5 42 - Index 4 1 1 1 4 -->>KNOT_SET (128) 5 43 - Index 0 1 2 3 4 -->>CURVE_DATA (135) 20 - Index 1 0 -->>B_SURFACE (124 - BSpline Surface) 5 - Index 15 - Face 17 - NURBS_SURF (126) 18 - SURFACE_DATA (125) -->>NURBS_SURFACE (126) 17 - Index 44 -- BSPLINE_VERTICES 45 -- KNOT_MULT 46 -- KNOT_MULT 47 -- KNOT_SET 48 -- KNOT_SET -->>BSPLINE_VERTICES (45) 147 - Length 44 - Index -.0508 0 0 ... .0508 2e-32 1e-33 (ETC) -->>SURFACE_DATA (125) 18 - Index 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 2 DDPPDDPP????0 0 0 0 -->>SHELL (13) 22 - Index 8 - Region 15 - Front face (ptr) -->>REGION (19) 8 - Index 1 - body 16 - next 22 - Shell (ETC)