
  1. Texmod Free Download
  2. Texmod Fnaf World
< Player-made Modifications

TexMod is an utility to find, save and modify textures in Direct3D 9 applications. The tool is very important, if you want to install graphic patches, like skin patches to your games. The application interface offers three modes. Package mode: add package files to a list and load them into the selected application.

Warning: Directly modifying the Guild Wars program files through any third party tools is completely unsupported by ArenaNet and NCSoft. If anything breaks, do not contact support for help; there's nothing they can do about it. Also, third party programs not supported by ArenaNet might contain trojans, spyware, adware, and other harmful programs. See also: ArenaNet Response.

Texmod saves everything in this Folder if there is the Texmod.log so you should put just these Textures in the Folder which you want to have in one Pack. Now you open Texmod again. Press 'Package Build' - the last of the tabs. You choose the Folder in which the Textures with the texmod.log - file are. Press BUILD and save the Pack. Texmod is a free program which allows a Dead Rising 2 player to use reskin mods in the PC version of Dead Rising 2. For example, Texmod allows the player to change Chuck's outfit to a different color, or have different writing on it. This article explains how to: Download and install Texmod; Use existing created reskins, created by Texmod, in.

  • 1TexMod
    • 1.1TexMod Manual
    • 1.2Running a Mod
    • 1.3Creating a Mod
  • 2FAQ


TexMod is a third-party tool that can be used to alter textures in games rendered with DirectX 9.0. For more information on TexMod and other related tools please read about graphic manipulation here.

TexMod can be downloaded here.

TexMod Manual[edit]

(This information is copied from the Readme.txt file inside the Texmod download.)

TexMod Beta Version

TexMod is a utility to find, save and modify Direct3D textures in DirectX 9.0 or greater(!) applications. In order to share and distribute texture modifications, changes are compiled into a file known as a 'package' and is saved with a .tpf extension. The benefits of TexMod are that you don't have to modify any game files and you don't require any specific modding tools.


The application interface offers three modes:

  1. Package mode: add package files to a list and load them into the selected application.
    • Packages on top of the list are loaded first. Change the package order to prioritize a package if it changes the same texture as another one.
  2. Logging mode: choose between several options and start the selected application in logging mode. You can browse through all loaded textures of the application and save the selected one in the output folder.
    • For every saved texture a line will be appended to the texmod.log file in the output folder in the format the Package Builder expects it.
  3. Build mode: create a package by selecting a definition file (e.g. an automatically created log file) and entering your name and a comment, which both will be shown when opening the package in the package mode.

Please note: This is an early beta version and does not offer application specific fixes. Don't be surprised if your application crashes or shows other strange behavior and expect a slight performance drop, especially when you use the logging features.

Definition file syntax[edit]

The definition file, which contains a checksum and a path to a texture file has to look like this:

If the checksum is in hex format, it has to start with 0x, e.g. 0x00ABCDEF.The file path has to be absolute. (The manual allows for relative paths, but they don't work with Guild Wars.)

Controls in logging mode[edit]

All controls are located on your numpad.

+select next texture
-select previous texture
*filter drawn textures. Only filtered will be selectable.
/reset filter mode (show all textures again)
,reload the replacement definition file (reload modified textures without restarting your application)

Visual Guide

Running a Mod[edit]

  1. You will need a .tpf file, which is a file containing all the edited textures. These can be downloaded on many Guild Wars fansites, as well as the modifications located in Shared Player Content on this wiki.
  2. Once you have your mod file and TexMod downloaded, unzip and run TexMod.exe.
  3. Click the big folder icon in the Target Application section and select Browse.
  4. Find your Guild Wars folder and select your Gw.exe (usually located within 'C:Program Files').
  5. Switch to Package Mode (should be default).
  6. In the Select package section press the small folder icon and find the .tpf file(s) you want to use and select it.
  7. Once all the mods you wish to run are in the list, press Run and the game will launch. Enjoy.

Saving a preset template[edit]

  • Using uMod v1.0, you can save a template of mods that you always want to launch with the game. Find the instructions here.

Note: When multiple mods try to change the same texture, the one that is higher on the mod list takes priority. If this mod is turned off, the texture reverts to the game default instead of the other mod(s) that would change it.

Creating a Mod[edit]

  1. Open TexMod.
  2. Click the big folder icon on the Target Application section and select Browse.
  3. Find your GuildWars folder and select your gw.exe.
  4. Switch to Logging Mode.
  5. Select the options you want. I would advise you to keep 'Show Texture on the upper left corner' and 'Replace Texture (with a green texture)' on.
  6. Select the Output format you want (see the table below).
  7. Select the Log with button (Something that isn't bound to anything else e.g. F8). Pressing this button will cause TexMod to extract a texture when the program is loaded.
  8. Select a folder you can find easily as the 'output folder'.
  9. Press Run.
  10. Keep pressing '+'(Numpad) until you find the texture you want (Notice the selected texture becomes green) and press the 'Log with' key to export it.
  11. Close Guild Wars and go to the output folder, there should be an image and a TexMod.log file.
  12. Edit the image all you want but leave the dimensions and name of the image alone.
  13. The log file contains the references to the extracted files that TexMod will later use to build the packages. The textures are listed in it in the following format:
    • memory address|path to file
    • eg. 0x11C1E5BA|[path]GW.EXE_0x11C1E5BA.dds
  14. If you ended up capturing more textures than you want to use, you can edit the log file in Notepad or similar plain text editors to only contain the texture references you want to use in your mod.
  15. Go back to TexMod and press the 'Package Build' button.
  16. In the Definition File browse to the Output folder and select the TexMod.log file that accompanied your edited texture.
  17. Enter your name and some comments (e.g. what you changed).
  18. Press Build. A new window will open up and ask you to specify a name and a place to save it. Give it a name and press save.
  19. The Build Status shows you the progress. If all goes well, you will see 'Success!' After the package is built, it can be loaded like any other mod.
  20. (optional) Upload your project to share it with others and link your download file to the appropriate Shared_Player_Content index.

Output Format[edit]

When extracting textures using TexMod, there are a variety of different file types to choose from. This table will try to show which is best for specific uses.

2 textures have been extracted, with various formats.

  • 0xF614EDF7 is a Paragon armor texture
  • 0xE730F7C3 is a small UI element


File size1025kb53kb379kb342kb1025kb
Alpha ChannelYesNoNoYesYes

As seen here, the ideal filetype to use (if possible) is .dds. It has the smallest filetype which supports alpha (a.k.a transparency), and is the native texture format which Direct3D uses. This means that using .dds does not require your video card to do additional conversions to display your texture, using even less memory and bandwidth compared to the other formats. If your image editing program does not support .dds, plugins can be easily found for Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, and GIMP.



File size5kb1kb2kb5kb5kb
Alpha ChannelYesNoNoYesYes

For small textures without a reflection map, the difference is negligible. While .png has a smaller file size and supports transparency, due to its lack of alpha channel it selects black as the color which denotes transparency. Because of this, you may find that .dds is preferable. Despite the slightly larger file size, it includes an alpha channel and requires no additional conversion by the video card to display the texture.

Note, that you can still include transparent .png images in your mods, where the transparency is included in the image itself, instead on a separate Alpha channel.

It is recommended to avoid .jpg format despite its low file sizes. The small size may look attractive, but this format greatly degrades the quality of the image, leading to highly noticeable imperfections in mods, while also lacking transparency features.

It is worth noting that the .dds compression format is not lossless, and can result in some quality degradation. If artifacts are rendered, be sure to save the file uncompressed.

Additional Notes[edit]

Fixing the 'shiny' effect the hard way
  • Depending on the filetype and image editor used, some textures will show a 'shiny' effect in-game when modded. This is either caused by the filetype or the image editor not supporting alpha channels. (IE, JPG format, or editing with MSPaint.) As mentioned above, the ideal filetype to use for modding is .dds. If this is not possible, you can also try editing with BMP. If your textures are still shiny while using BMP, the problem is more than likely the image editor itself rather than the filetype. At this point, there are two options. One is to use an image editor which supports alpha, such as Photoshop, or Paintshop Pro. If you're interested in going this route, The GIMP, which is a free image editing program similar to Photoshop, may be downloaded from here and .DDS plugin here. If you'd rather not use a different image editor, you can then solve this problem by replacing the reflection texture of the original texture with a plain black one (see image). This fix should only be used as a last resort, as doing this will completely remove any shininess the texture once had, and may leave your mod looking dull, or flat.
  • If you are unsure of how to use GIMP to edit a mostly-transparent armor or other texture, the following process does work.
  1. Capture the texture you want as a .dds, and save to your folder of choice.
  2. Capture the texture AGAIN, this time as a .bmp to another location.
  3. Open the .BMP in Microsoft Paint to remove the Alpha layer, then edit this file using whatever editing software you prefer.
  4. With the edited file open, select the entire image (control + A) and copy it (control + c)
  5. Open the .dds with GIMP
  6. Select the background layer in the layers palette. Above it, there will be a small checkbox that locks the Alpha layer. Make sure this is selected
  7. Select the brush tool, then in the brushes palette below, click the image of your texture. GIMP allows you to use images on the clipboard as a brush
  8. Carefully align the dotted outline of the brush over the image, and click once. If you see some of the semi- transparent pieces shift, then undo and try again
  9. Save the file, and package your Texmod
  • On a laptop you will have to press the function (Fn) key to access the numpad, the numpad keys are typically written in blue below the normal function.
  • Plain text cannot be replaced with TexMod.
  • In the case of overlapping textures, the .tpf applied first will show.
  • Video on how to make mods (using .bmp image format, as opposed to the suggested .dds)

Scaling Behavior of Graphics[edit]

Scaling test screen.

The following test results may help you when modding the extracted graphics. As you can see in the screenshot, the size of the edited graphic is not equivalent to the in-game rendered graphic. The origin graphic is scaled linear in X- and Y-axis, however not all over.

Due to the test, the scaling behavior is as follows:

Note: All pixel values refer to the origin graphic.

Origin graphics with height <= 32 pixels (eg.: buttons, inner frames, head of window panels):

  • An area of 10 pixels length from the left and right border is not scaled.
  • The remaining inner area is scaled linear in X-axis only.
  • As an exception frame elements behave like origin graphics with height >= 64 pixels despite the non-scaled-corner-area is 10x10 pixels.

Texmod Free Download

Origin graphics with height >= 64 pixels (all panels eg.: party window panel, inventory):

  • An area of 40x40 pixels in each corner is not scaled.
  • Starting from this non-scaled-corner-area a stripe of 40 pixels height (in Y-axis) is scaled linear in X-axis only (Y-axis remains as in the origin graphic) and vice versa.
  • The remaining inner area is scaled linear in both axes.
  • As an exception elements like the radar are scaled linear in both axes all over.


Modifications to Guild Wars[edit]

  • What does ArenaNet say about all of this, will I get banned?
ArenaNet Response
  • Are mods permanent?
No. Any modifications must be run through TexMod every time, and no changes are made to any Guild Wars files.
  • How can I remove a mod?
Run Guild Wars normally.
  • Can I create new models / new UI elements?
No. TexMod only supports modification of existing textures, and can not access model data.

Texmod Fnaf World

  • Can other people see my mods?
If they have the same mod active, then yes. Otherwise, no, only you will be able to see the changes.
  • Where can I find mods other people have created?
A list of player-made modifications can be found in Shared Player Content.

Requirements and Options[edit]

  • What version of DirectX is required?
Texmod currently requires at least DirectX 9 (or higher) to run. In particular, DirectX 10 and 11 are ok.
  • Can I use Guild Wars command line switches with TexMod? (such as '-password' or '-noshaders')
TexMod does not yet support command line switches.


Note: Most all antivirus software will detect TexMod as a 'virus, backdoor, or suspicious'. These are known as 'false positives' and can normally be ignored AT YOUR OWN RISK. To be sure that your copy of this software is safe, verify one of the checksums in the section that follows.

  • What are some common troubleshooting tips?
  1. Check your security software: Add Texmod to your anti-virus/security software's allowed or exceptions list (or disable it temporarily for testing).
  2. Ensure you have the most recent version of Guild Wars: Run gw.exe with the '-image' argument (without TexMod running).
  3. Replace your mods/software: Re-download Texmod and/or the mods you wish to use (don't forget to confirm the checksum; at the bottom of this page).
  • I downloaded an armor/weapon reskin, why isn't it working?
Many armor/weapon reskins only work if the item is a specific color to start with.
  • I get a strange error message, with the text 'D'OH'. What does it mean?
This is a general error message used for nearly all exceptions - as TexMod is beta software, error handling isn't up to par.
EffectHowever some known instances where this error may occur are:
  1. After being browsed to, gw.exe can no longer be found in that location.
  2. One or more of the selected .tpf files can no longer be found or are corrupted and cannot be run.
  3. A virus scanner has blocked TexMod's access to the gw.exe file. If you are using a virus scanner or other malware protection software, it could be detecting TexMod as a threat (see below). Turn your virus scanner off, then use TexMod. Once Guild Wars starts, you should turn your virus scanner back on.
  4. Try running TexMod as an administrator, especially for Windows Vista or Windows 7.
  • My anti-virus/anti-malware software claims that Texmod has a trojan in it. Is this true?
If your anti-virus/anti-malware program uses heuristic detection, a program's ability to modify the way another program works, it might detect TexMod as a trojan. These scanners cannot tell good modifications from bad ones. TexMod is a probable false alarm, since the basis of it is to modify how a program runs by replacing textures that the program uses. To verify that you have a valid copy of TexMod, compare the checksum of your downloaded zip file or texmod.exe with the known good checksums (see bottom of page).
  • I followed all the directions, have DirectX 9 installed, and nothing changes. Why?
TexMod requires a graphics card that is fully DirectX 9 compatible in order to work. Older graphics cards do not have the ability to fully use DirectX 9. This means that some programs that require it may not function properly, including Texmod. In addition, if a new Guild Wars.exe build comes out, it will restart Guild Wars, which means that Texmod will no longer be modifying the game. If this occurs, simply close Guild Wars and re-run it via Texmod.
  • TexMod used to work. Now it doesn't. Was there an update? Did an update to Guild Wars cause it to stop working?
TexMod has not been updated in several years; you almost certainly have the latest version. There is very, very little chance that an update to Guild Wars will cause TexMod to stop working. The most common reasons that TexMod might suddenly stop working are:
  • You changed anti-virus software or a recent (usually automatic) update to the software requires that you tell it that TexMod is okay.
  • TexMod points to an outdated version of Guild Wars; update gw.exe to the latest version.
  • Without realizing, you moved files around on the computer and TexMod cannot find them. There are many ways to resolve this; the simplest is to reinstall TexMod and/or the mods.
  • While rare, it is possible that updating the Guild Wars client while TexMod is running can cause TexMod to stop working properly. A possible fix is to run Guild Wars with the -repair argument. If problems persist, try using the -image argument.


Unzipped Texmod.exe3a561b80cfba394a810d528d4c05dc7e6da72f02cb63e04210d590213073ec677bdd20fd
  • Online tech-tips provides a basic overview of checksums.
  • You can download a simple utility from CNet or upload a file here to calculate the checksum. Various anti-viral programs (e.g. AVG) also provide checksums automatically on files on their exception lists or that are tagged as potential threats.
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.guildwars.com/index.php?title=Player-made_Modifications/TexMod&oldid=2662019'
  • 1Software
  • 2Shared player content
  • 3Archived software
  • Directly modifying the Guild Wars program files through any third party tools is completely unsupported by ArenaNet and NCsoft. If anything breaks, do not contact support for help; there's nothing they can do about it.
  • Modifications listed on this page may not have been tested, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. By downloading one of the files below you acknowledge that you cannot hold ANYONE responsible for what happens to your game or account.

Player-made Modifications, or simply mods, are alterations made to the game using third-party programs to change aspects of gameplay. Mods are traditionally a part of the gaming world and tend to be created by members of the gaming community to extend the enjoyment or accessibility of a game. Guild Wars is no exception.


Blender being used to repaint a texture on a Monk in Guild Wars


TexMod was created by RS as a modding utility originally used for “Tomb Raider 7: Legend” back in 2006. It allows to extract textures from DirectX 9 applications, and pack the altered textures into TPF files (TexMod Package File) to load those back to the graphic stream replacing the textures viewed on the screen. This allowed players to change the appearance of Lara Croft and other characters of the game. However as great as the original TexMod is, its development stopped with the actual release of it. TexMod can still be obtained from the successor webpage.

  • User Guide: Guide for using TexMod
  • Download: TexMod


Universal Modding Engine (uMod) is an open-source version of TexMod made from scratch by Patrick Westerhoff and his team. The project is an approach to develop an open-source port of TexMod, integrating new features, and compliance with DirectX 10 and 11. While the last official release of uMod was done in August 2012 with version V2.0 Alpha (r53), the project remains in open-source where anyone can develop it further if needed. Additional features include reading from a wide variety of image formats and images compressed in zip files. Unlike its predecessor uMod can reload graphics while the game is still active and use command line parameters.

  • User Guide: User Guide
  • Download: uMod Download List


An acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program is a free and open-source graphics editor used for image retouching and editing. The current version of GIMP works with numerous operating systems, including Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows. GIMP has similar functionality to Photoshop, but does not emulate its user interface. Once the texture images are captured they can be altered using GIMP.

  • Download: GIMP Download Page

3D Ripper DX[edit]

3D Ripper DX allows you to tweak the DirectX or extract images and models as they pass through. Albeit a tad overwhelming, the program can capture all the the 2D and 3D data needed and export it for editing in 3D Studio Max, Maya, and Wavefront Object file formats. Unfortunately the programmer of this project, Roman Lut, has no plans to continue development. 3D Ripper DX supports only DirectX 6.x, 8.x and 9.x applications. It may have limited functionality with DirectX 10 and 11. The program remains free to use at his homepage.

  • Download: 3D Ripper DX Download Page

Blender 3D[edit]

A professional free and open-source 3D computer graphics program used for creating animated films. Users import the 3D mesh obtained with the '3D Ripper DX' mentioned above. The Blender in this case is not used to change or alter the mesh but as a 3D canvas to repaint the textures. This is an advanced and time consuming method but renders the best results.

  • Download: Blender Download Page

Shared player content[edit]

The content in this section alter the appearance or rendering of a variety of game elements. They have been designed by players for players to download and use freely.


Mapping and how the maps are displayed.

Graphic User Interface[edit]

Alters the menus, status bars, and icons to provide additional functionality or visual appeal.

Guild capes[edit]

Create and preview your own cape designs using Paint.net program.

Creature skins[edit]

Monsters, animals, NPCs or characters.

Weapons and equipment[edit]

The mods in this section alter the appearance or rendering of items and equipment.


Skill animations or the appearance of skill icons.


Additional player content that does not fall into any of the categories above.

High resolution textures[edit]

Prior to the in-game ability to load high-resolution textures on other players in outposts, there was a TexMod modification that achieved this instead.


Created in January 2020 as a replacement for GwDressUp.

  • Directions: Run Guild Wars as usual (TexMod or otherwise), run this program, and a window with armor and dye choices will appear.
  • Note: As with TexMod, you are the only one to see changes. Everything changed is graphic and if you rezone or disconnect, the effect ends.
    Additionally for Windows 8, the program may required to be run with administrator privileges in compatibility mode for an earlier version of Windows.
  • Download: Download

Archived software[edit]

Software packages that no longer work with the Guild Wars client.

GwCamUnlocker - No longer working, December 2019[edit]

Allows you to extend the camera past the normal maximum range and view the world from an extreme point of view. Apparently it was revealed by the programmer who created this modification, that both this and 'GW2 Zoom Unlocker' alters the programming mechanics enough to be considered intrusive to ArenaNet. Both downloads have been pulled by the author from the website. Out of respect, please do not add your own links here. If you currently use this program (especially in PvP), it could result in your account being permanently banned.

  • Directions: Run Guild Wars as usual (TexMod or otherwise), run this program, target GW.exe, and then select both check boxes.
  • Creator: Argos-Soft.net
  • Download: Discontinued
  • Sample: Sample 1Sample 2

GwVanquisher - No longer working, December 2019[edit]

Displays some convenient information about your current vanquishing area: remaining foes, total foes and killed foes.

  • Directions: Run Guild Wars as usual (TexMod or otherwise), run this program, and a movable box will appear with vanquishing info.
  • Creator: Argos-Soft.net
  • Download: Download Page
  • Sample: Sample 1Sample 2

GwDressUp - No longer working, December 2019, see GWArmory[edit]

Allows you to try armors directly on you character, dyed as you want, in any combination.

  • Directions: Run Guild Wars as usual (TexMod or otherwise), run this program, and a window with armor and dye choices will appear.
  • Note: As with TexMod, you are the only one to see changes. Everything changed is graphic and if you rezone or disconnect, the effect ends.
    Additionally for Windows 8, the program may required to be run with administrator privileges in compatibility mode for an earlier version of Windows.
  • Creator: Argos-Soft.net
  • Download: Download Page
  • Sample: Sample 1Youtube sample

Official responses from ArenaNet[edit]

The following quotes are from ArenaNet staff:

As a general rule of thumb, we don't mind if you do things like this to make your own playing experience more fun. Some people really like to mod, and we recognize that this can often be a valuable learning tool. When you're doing it, though, keep in mind that we ask that you don't use our content to mod other games. Please do not attempt to extract anything from your GW.dat with the intent to use it in a mod for another game or project. Also keep in mind that we can't support any changes you make.
In other words, if you try to make some changes and your game crashes, don't contact support because there really isn't anything they will be able to do for you. Make sure you have your disks handy to reinstall.
In case anyone was concerned about this reply, keep in mind that alterations that people make to their own .dat files will not affect the play experience of others. All of that important data is stored server side, so any changes that would be able to be made are purely cosmetic. For instance, if someone re-textures their sword to look like a gigantic pickle, they will be the only one to see this change. You won't start seeing people wielding pickle swords running around in random arena any time soon.
Also keep in mind that we are always interested to see what stuff you guys come up with. If you do something exceptionally cool that you feel would really benefit the community as a whole, don't be afraid to let us know about it.

Emily Diehl(talk)

To all modders: It's important to note that the parameters concerning the use of third-party programs do still apply. We cannot condone the use of such programs, and we cannot support the accounts of those who may be negatively impacted in using such programs. That's called the 'If it eats your hard drive and blows up your refrigerator, don't call us' policy.
Honestly, though, as previously stated, it is unlikely that we would actively pursue or action those who use such programs in a positive manner, that is, those whose only interest is creating benign mods of our games. Keep in mind that occasionally people get creative and might bring up the use of a harmless program to attempt to mask other harmful activities. We see that with other situations, such as where they say 'But I was only using an alternative OS, why was I blocked?' and we discover they are using major bot programs.
If you feel that this creates a 'mixed message,' then I guess we should discuss that concern. I can understand where the strict 'Don't do that' is clearer than 'We can't say you can do that, but we won't take action if you do choose to do it.' There are some cases where it's not black and white. One example that comes to mind is the use of emulators to play Guild Wars. We develop only for the PC, but others play on other systems and that's totally ok. However, if they develop difficulties, our Support Team is not available to help them resolve those issues. So we don't prohibit the alternative, we simply decline to support it.
What I want to say above all about this matter is that if you're going to mod, have fun, but do stick with the benign and positive uses of the programs and create mods that impact the game only in ways that are fun and harmless. If there's more information to share, I will do so as soon as it becomes available to me.

— Gaile Gray

Retrieved from 'https://wiki.guildwars.com/index.php?title=Player-made_Modifications&oldid=2665399'