1. Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Free Software
  2. Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software
  3. Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation software, free download Windows 10

Hcalc for fire sprinkler hydraulic calculations Hcalc - Hydraulic calculator Hcalc is a simple hydraulic calculator which we originally developed for use with our FHC training courses to help teach some of the fundamental hydraulic calculations & principles which are so important in fire sprinkler design. Create hydraulic models of fire sprinkler systems, water-mist, medium and high-velocity water spray systems, hydrants and foam and water monitors. Perform hydraulic calculations for these systems and view such details as the number of pipes, heads, loops, warnings, etc. You can download FHC 1.8.0. From our software library for free.

Completely free and anonymous downloads :-


Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Free Software

Download Hydraulic Calculator for the Fire Protection Industry for free. Hydraulic Calculator for the Fire Protection Industry - Canute designed this simple hydraulic calculator for use with its FHC training course to teach some of the fundamental principles of pressure loss calculations and the discard of water through a sprinkler head and other type's nozzles. Fire sprinkler design software is a completely free hydraulics calculations program for the latest NFPA 13/14 rules. Elite Fire is a a program that performs all necessary hydraulic calculations as required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13). Download Elite Fire software for fire sprinkler hydraulic calculation.

Click here to download AACALC7.EXE [1890 kB] directly.

Typical features of AACALC7 :-

I would summarise the main options of this comprehensive sprinkler hydraulics program ...

  • The panel on the left hand side of the screen shows all 32 commands / options (visible / hidden as appropriate) and aerial view (a small plan with a red 'box' which can be sized, moved or dragged as required to show a plan or isometric view of zoomed in part) with the DRAWING on the right - note the pipe properties are always on view and not a form that you have to manually(!) resize, reposition and cancel when not required. There are no tiny menu selections to hunt through or any right-clicking that you have to remember - if a command is not on the left hand panel or on the current data entry / results / information etc. screen, then you can't do it!
  • All types of sprinkler SYSTEMS - terminal, looped, gridded in any combination for any roof or roof + inrack pipe networks including ESFR for any hazard / density / area of coverage
  • All other SYSTEMS including spray, deluge, drencher, hosereel, hydrant, fire mains, wet / dry risers, fog, mist, foam etc. with/without velocity pressure
  • Single or multiple water supply SOURCES - pumps, tanks, towns mains or constant pressure
  • Complies with LPC, EN12845, NFPA 13, NFPA 15, NFPA 750 and CEA sprinkler rules in metric units only (mm, m, mm/min, sq.m, m/s, L/min and bar) so cannot be used in America, Liberia, Myanmar or any other country that still uses the obsolete imperial units
  • You simply allocate 'node' numbers to the pipework layout, drawing each pipe section on the screen and grouping common 'ranges' to the 'mains' pipes from the source out to the operating sprinkler 'heads' - see HYDRAULICS page
  • Each pipe is given as these 2 'node' numbers, size (eg. 80), length (eg. 2.8), direction at slope (eg. N means North, U for up or E>6 means east at +6 degrees slope), any fittings (eg. GV for gate valve) and U or P for a head nozzle, if applicable, at the end
  • With the direction being given, the program can construct a 3D line diagram of your complete pipework system, starting with the mains / distribution pipes out to the ranges of operating heads / nozzles so you can immediately see if you typed in 32m rather than 3.2m as a length
  • Each pipe is given on ONE line of data - there are no separate input / output pipes or list of nodes where one just ends up with a mass of numbers on the screen without being able to visualise what you have entered and hoping you haven't made a major noding error meaning some pipes are wrongly joined together or 15 instead of 150mm pipe size
  • Data can be typed into a easy to follow EDITOR or directly into a SPREADSHEET grid and any additions / alterations are confirmed on the 3D DRAWING - instant visual feedback
  • You can IMPORT a background DXF plan of the building and have the program automatically produce the full 2D LAYOUT drawing to the same coordinates
  • RESTORE POINTS keep track of each change so you can go back to a previous arrangement and a HISTORY list is maintained of when each amendment is made
  • You can VIEW plans, elevations and isometrics (variable angle) of the whole scheme or ZOOM in to an aerial view and can then PAN in 8 directions as required
  • All the design data is confirmed on screen by moving your mouse over a chosen pipe and by selecting various text items - you do not need a separate pipe PROPERTIES option!
  • The CALCULATIONS are virtually instantaneous and you get several useful summaries, statistics and graphs showing any over or under sized pipes
  • One can use the Hazen-Williams or Darcy-Weisbach (where you specify a water temperature rather than the density/viscosity, which you may not know!) pressure drop formulae
  • The 4 MOST REMOTE heads are automatically located with error messages given for incorrect areas or densities
  • The colour-coded RESULTS (given below) are shown on the screen exactly as they would be printed out / sent to the REVIEWER as PDF files
  • You can enter the heads in the MOST REMOTE / FAVOURABLE design areas on the same or separate data files or SELECT the ones to be calculated (on plan or isometrics) for the program to summarise the areas for the integrated GRAPH part for the Qcap/Qmax values
  • A useful INFO screen shows all the current design data / parameters
  • I provide TEN demonstration jobs to show you how to enter different types of pipe networks
  • There are TREE and GRID WIZARDS to quickly enter repetitive pipe layouts
  • When the various British Standards and Working Groups finish their deliberations on WATER MIST systems, then I will add any revised hydraulic calculations procedures (hopefully with the Colebrook-White pressure drop formula that the rest of the Building Services industry uses!) to AACALC7 - you will not have to buy another program nor pay to update your existing one.
  • The pipe types / sizes / fittings DATABASE allows the program to automatically SIZE the pipes, look up the pipe bores and fitting equivalent lengths and is common to ALL users
  • An EXPORT option can transfer the data as 2D / 3D DXF files, CSV or XML data or JPG / BMP drawings with the free AAVIEW7 program allowing you to view these items
  • It is most important that you keep backup copies of your project data files - each program creates .BAK versions of the last working job and I have provided a free 'One-click' utility called AABACKUP
  • You do not have to buy any expensive CAD program or use one to PREPARE the layout drawing to complement the hydraulics calculations but you may need one to read in the drawings from other members of the design team and/or produce the plans / isometrics FROM AACALC7 (as above)
  • HELP text can be viewed from any screen or separately
  • Although you can enter 2D or 3D CAD drawings directly, these are advanced options for certain companies only and are too involved for general use
  • There are lots of really important USABILITY features incorporated in AACALC7 based on my previous MS.DOS and Windows programs dating back to 1985 - you can evaluate the program for FREE without any risk - if not for you, then just delete it and it will be gone!
  • This one FREE program will do ALL the FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for your projects - why pay hundreds or thousands of pounds / dollars / euros for a software package that you may only need a few times a year? There are NO 'upgrade' or 'enhanced' versions / options that you can buy, nor will there ever be in the future - all updates and support will remain free from the program originator - me!

Typical results presentation from AACALC7 :-

This shows up to 70 heads / pipes per A4 page and can be viewed full size on the screen, printed out and posted or stored in a PDF file for emailing (with a simple printer driver from DOPDF.COM or many others) or what the REVIEWER will see if you send them your data files as they can also have the same FREE program for their own offices as all the pipe types / sizes / equivalent lengths / head information will always automatically be the same for every user. Note the clarity of the results list where everything lines up under the various columns and all input data is also confirmed so no cryptic codes have to be explained to the reviewers / other members of the design team.

For technical support from the program originator, my full address, telephone and fax numbers are given in the 'Help' section of the various programs with my email address at the very top of this page.

Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

If you do not agree with how I have produced the NFPA part of AACALC7, then I offer the full source code of the core data entry, checking, calculations and results presentation parts in PASCAL and VISUAL BASIC on the SHP4FPC page. Both the languages / source codes are completely free, of course, so you can easily program your own specific version.

If you thinking of buying or downloading another hydraulic calculations program complying with the EN12845 Sprinkler Rules, then please consider :-

Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation software, free download Windows 10

  • Does it show a CAD drawing as a background over which you draw your pipework system?
  • Does it show an aerial view of the complete scheme when 'zoomed in'?
  • Does it show all the applicable options on the screen at once?
  • Does it show all the details about a pipe when you 'hover' your mouse over it?
  • Does it display your scheme as a 3D drawing and allow you to look from any edge/corner?
  • Does it display all the project data items on one, simple to follow, screen?
  • Does it draw a smooth curve between the flow/pressure points for a water supply / pump?
  • Does it permit multiple water supplies or are you limited to one?
  • Does it have multiple 'restore points' that you can revert to?
  • Does it permit multiple 'design areas' to be selected and source duty/results displayed?
  • Does it show the total area covered as you select heads for inclusion in the design area?
  • Does it permit you to swap between plan and isometric views as you select the design areas?
  • Does it show the Qmax/Qcap graph automatically for the two chosen design areas?
  • Does it use colour to identify / group similar pipe / text details?
  • Does it list all the changes made to a data file, it's backups and printouts?
  • Does it display the full results presentation on screen prior to printing out?
  • Does it show 70 heads / pipes on each printed page? Or a more limited number?
  • Does it export the pipes / heads to 2D / 3D DXF files with differing text options?
  • Does it transfer the results to spreadsheets, graphics files and other programs?

AACALC7 DOES ALL THE ABOVE AND MORE! Perhaps you should ask your other supplier these questions and see how / what they reply - if at all! Are you really sure you want to wait for CDs / manuals to be POSTED to you before you can use a program in your design office as some suppliers still persist in doing? Can you copy the program to whatever computers you have / upgrade to without seeking 'approval' from the program supplier? What happens when you buy an expensive program and then find you can't use it due to it's complexity or limitations? My free AACALC7 can be downloaded immediately and used as YOU desire on as many computers as you have.